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    Solihull Business Festival

    Celebrate our thriving town centre business community with us

    March 12th - 15th

    Solihull town centre

    Solihull Business Festival

    Need to know

    Please click here to view our Business Festival Programme

    The first ever Solihull Business Festival will shine the light on the fantastic Professional Services & Office Sector businesses and employees that make up half of Solihull town centre.

    The Business Festival is a celebration of this visionary sector, offering numerous ways to get to know your business neighbour and to learn more about wellbeing within the workplace in a fun and friendly environment.

    Please see our full line-up of FREE events in this programme with activities ranging from talks and seminars to training sessions. We are also bringing Fridays back to town with a bang with the Business Festival party!

    For further details and booking links, read below and head over to our Eventbrite page.

    Business Festival Line-Up

    Tuesday 12th March
    (Time, Activity, Venue)
    All sessions/activities are FREE!

    Recruitment Tent – Advertise your vacancies in Touchwood shopping centre. Solihull BID businesses wanting to book slots need to email – minimum 2-hour slots.

    Lucent Financial Planning Finance Talks – ‘Investing in Uncertain Times’ and ‘How much money do you need for the rest of your life’ presentations are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here for ‘Investing in Uncertain Times’ and here for ‘How much money do you need for the rest of your life’.

    Men’s Health Talk – This talk introduces the topic of men’s health. We discuss some major health issues facing men today and what barriers contribute to the disproportionately poorer health outcomes for men in the UK. Crucially, we explore what can be done to help overcome these barriers and challenge the men to take steps to improve their own wellbeing. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Women’s Health Session – An Introduction to Wellbeing in Menopause – An Introduction to Wellbeing in Menopause with Menopause Knowledge CIC at 16.00pm in Touchwood. Join us for a friendly, open session and prepare to understand the whys and hows of peri and post menopause. Hear about holistic strategies and evidence-based options to manage symptoms and stay healthy for longer and share experiences to support each other. This event is open to all genders and ages. Come along for yourself, a partner, a family member, a friend, a colleague. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Pub Quiz – Join in for our fun pub quiz being held at Taste Collective in Mell Square. Entry is free for Solihull BID businesses with maximum teams of six. To book in your team, e-mail

    11.00am – 15.00pm

    Recruitment Tent


    12.00pm – 13.15pm

    Lucent Financial Planning Finance Talks

    Touchwood Hub


    Men's Health Talk

    Touchwood Hub


    Women’s Health Session - An Introduction to Wellbeing in Menopause

    Touchwood Hub

    17.00pm - 19.30pm

    Pub Quiz

    Taste Collective

    Wednesday 13th March
    (Time, Activity, Venue)
    All sessions/activities are FREE!

    Shred Beginners session – Shredquarters in Mell Square welcomes anyone at any stage of their fitness journey. This class is for anyone with little to no experience in a gym, that are wanting to kick start their training. By working on form and technique, these classes give you a great start! Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Core/Yoga session – Whilst pushing your body the max in the other classes, it’s just as important to work on your core stability and flexibility. Delve into the basics of core/yoga with this session at Shredquarters in Mell Square. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Recruitment Tent – Advertise your vacancies in Touchwood shopping centre. Solihull BID businesses wanting to book slots need to email – minimum 2-hour slots.

    Man Health – Men & Suicide – This one hour session is aimed at staff in your business. It seeks to approach the difficult topic of suicide in working age men in a safe, informative and relaxed environment. It is designed to help men reframe perspectives on deaths by suicide and empower them to identify risks to themselves and their colleagues. Presented by Paul Bannister of ManHealth. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    NetWALKING with Tracey Williams – Learn about the history of Solihull Town Centre. Start the walk at The Core Theatre on Homer Road, past Golden Jubilee Gardens, and up Church Hill Road, to the top end of the High Street and back through Touchwood’s Mill Lane arcade. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Male Health Silence – Why Men don’t seek help – This session seeks to illuminate issues facing working age men & women and will equip them to undertake a self-assessment of their own health & wellbeing. Presented by Paul Bannister of ManHealth. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.


    Shred Beginners session

    Shredquarters, Mell Square


    Core/Yoga session

    Shredquarters, Mell Square

    11.00am – 15.00pm

    Recruitment Tent



    Man Health – Men & Suicide

    Touchwood Hub


    NetWALKING with Tracey Williams

    Solihull town centre tour


    Male Health Silence - Why Men don't seek help

    Touchwood Hub

    Thursday 14th March
    (Time, Activity, Venue)
    All sessions/activities are FREE!

    Official Business Festival launch with Mayor Andy Street – Join us at the beautiful Beech House in Solihull town centre for the official launch of the Business Festival with Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands. Includes drinks reception and presentation. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Recruitment Tent – Advertise your vacancies in Touchwood shopping centre. Solihull BID businesses wanting to book slots need to email – minimum 2-hour slots.

    NetWALKING with Tracey Williams – Learn about the history of Solihull Town Centre. Start the walk at The Core Theatre on Homer Road, past Golden Jubilee Gardens, and up Church Hill Road, to the top end of the High Street and back through Touchwood’s Mill Lane arcade. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    LGBTQ+ networking & Solihull Pride discussion – Network with fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies that work in Solihull town centre and then join our discussion around the creation of a Solihull Pride event. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.


    Official Business Festival launch with Mayor Andy Street

    The Beech House

    11.00am – 15.00pm

    Recruitment Tent



    NetWALKING with Tracey Williams

    Solihull town centre tour


    LGBTQ+ networking & Solihull Pride discussion

    Paramo Lounge

    Friday 15th March
    (Time, Activity, Venue)
    All sessions/activities are FREE!

    Recruitment Tent – Advertise your vacancies in Touchwood shopping centre. Solihull BID businesses wanting to book slots need to email – minimum 2-hour slots.

    TikTok for Business training – This will be an introduction to TikTok and how it can impact your business. Presented by Oli Hills, CEO of the Nonsensical TikTok Marketing Agency. Spaces are bookable on our Eventbrite by clicking here.

    Business Festival Party – Join us for our Business Festival Party, celebrating the amazingly hard-working and diverse employees we have in Solihull town centre! Held at The Masons Arms on Solihull High Street from 4.30pm. Enjoy your first drink free whilst listening to some free live music! Book your free space on Eventbrite by clicking here.

    11.00am – 15.00pm

    Recruitment Tent



    TikTok for Business training

    Touchwood Hub

    16.30pm – 20.30pm

    Business Festival Party

    The Masons Arms

    Solihull BID

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